This reusable stainless steel spork by Elephant Box comes in this perfectly handy pouch for being on go.
Either nipping out to grab lunch at work or heading on a picnic – this makes a great tool for day to day and occasional use alike.
You’ll never get caught out again with naughty disposable plastic when eating on the go.
It’s not only lightweight and easy to carry, it also comes in a super little cotton bag to keep your spork clean and safe.
Reusable Stainless Steel Spork Particulars
The measurements are 12.8
This spork is made from 100% food grade steel.
Rust-resistant &Dishwasher Friendly
Fits in all Elephant Box lunchboxes should you have one.
Elephant Box
We were keen to stock Elephant Box Products here at Just Gaia as we felt they represented a similar ethos to ourselves. They are passionate about cutting out plastic from our communities day to day life and reducing the overconsumption which is harming the plant.
They are also part of the 1% for the planet, which funds environmental nonprofit projects.
COVID-19 Pandemic Note:
Given the situation our community and the world community is facing, The Piece Hall is open to the public in a limited capacity. Just Gaia continues to trade and, now more than ever, we want to ensure everyone gets the best quality, plastic free items they need.
Please note that you will need to collect from the Westgate Entrance to The Piece Hall. Toggle the map below for the exact location.
If booked for collection, please visit our shop at the location below.
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Please collect from the Just Gaia in The Piece Hall here.
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There is only one option on this product, to order simply add to your basket and order for collection or delivery from Just Gaia in Halifax.
Tip: there are complementary items on linked next to this product if you are looking for more plastic free and zero waste shaving.
Delivery is now provided by Cargodale for local service in the Halifax area (details explained in our blog here). National delivery is coming soon, please follow our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the latest and subscribe to our newsletter to keep up-to-date with our latest products and services.
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