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Welcome to the Just Gaia plastic free online shop, the web view of our family ran store in Halifax, West Yorkshire looking at our range of wax wraps.

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One of the worst plastics we use regularly is cling-film plastic wrap around our food. This cannot be recycled and causes issues for disposal wherever it ends up.

Enter the Just Gaia range of wax wraps.

We have packs of wraps made from durable cloth and either beeswax or vegan wax coating.

This allows you to keep your food fresh and protected without creating unnecessary waste.

Not only that you’ll save money too. The wax wraps last for years, you can even pick up a block of wax refresher when needed.

We have a wide range of wax wrap packs here on the Just Gaia online shop so you can get the sizes you need.

Smaller wax wraps are great for keeping fruit or cheese wrapped up (there is even a cheese pack!)

Larger wax wrap packs are great for using over dishes to keep food from going dry in the fridge or wrapping a sandwich in them.

Then we have specific packs for use such as the lunch pack perfect for all your lunch needs. The ever-popular bread wax wrap is perfect for keeping your load fresh.

All our range is split between the option to use bees wax or vegan wax.

For ease these are separate product pages so there is no potential errors when making a purchase.

All packs are available in box wax types depending on your preference.

You can order right away by adding to your basket with any other products.

Pay via your basket using PayPal or your card and come collect from Just Gaia in The Piece Hall, Halifax.